What medicine is prescribed varicose veins in the legs and how to take them?

varicose veins

Varicose veins – a serious chronic disease, the main symptoms, which stretches the tissue of the vascular wall with the formation of venous nodes. While it is important to violation of the outflow of blood and its stagnation in the vascular system.

Treatment with drugs in this disease is an important part of complex treatment of varicose veins. In practice, only 9-10% of patients who suffer from this disease, the surgical procedure is performed. Most of the case history confirm the effectiveness of treatment of varicose veins with the help of medications.

The entire treatment strategy

Treatment of varicose veins of medicines should be started as soon as possible. In this case, does not stop the process and do not allow him to progress. Assets are usually taken long courses, sometimes up to 6 months as self-therapy and preventive measures, and in the form of additional component stages before and after the surgery.

Treatment of varicose veins with drugs is possible only in case of contraindications for surgery.

Treatment with medications will not remove the venous nodes and not completely able to remove spider veins. However, with appropriate treatment, the medications that act as a serious obstacle to the development and progression of the disease.


For thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and thrombosis do not become your constant companions, start treatment of varicose veins in the legs on the first symptoms of the disease. Even surgery will only help with medication.

Groups of drugs and their consequences

In venous varicose veins of the active substance klassificeret by a series of measures in three main groups:

  • venotonic or phlebotrophic means;
  • sanguinem scens medicines (anticoagulants) and medicines that inhibit the adhesion of platelets (antiplatelet agents);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

One of the goals of varicose vein treatment medicines, to strengthen the tone of blood vessels and stabilization of the venous blood flow. This problem is solved, the effective phlebotrophic venotonic drugs are always included in a treatment regimen and prevention.

Research and medical practice proved the effectiveness of phlebotonics, developed on the basis of natural flavonoids – diosmin and hesperida.. These substances are not only protect the cells of blood vessels, but it stimulates the lymph drainage and stabilize the capillaries. Particularly effective concurrent treatment in combination medicines that contain both flavonoid.

Most often phlebotrophic means taking 2 to 3 months courses. It is important that the reception coincides with the hottest time of the year when the load on the blood vessels, increases due to the high temperatures and the consumption of large quantities of water. If varicose veins accompanied by chronic venous insufficiency phlebotonics getting it at half the dose.

The patient with a diagnosis of varicose veins from the beginning of the systematic treatmentto prevent disease progression and reduce complications.

The second problem is solved, medicines, blood thinners (anticoagulants) and to improve its properties of liquids, prevents the formation of thrombotic clots (antiplatelet agents).

Blood clots, their separation from the vessel wall and movement through the venous channel, which leads to overlaps, vessels, heart, lungs and brain. As a result, a very high likelihood of infarction, pulmonary embolism, and ischemic stroke.

Antiaggregants are not a cure for varicose veins and is used as a means for the prevention of its serious complications – thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. We can say that these medicines are saving the life of the patient to at least reduce the risk of disability.

To reduce pain, swelling, tissue fullness and other symptoms of inflammation of the venous walls used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics.

The list of the most effective way


Important: in the form of tablets phlebotrophic medication for varicose veins is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and a special sensitivity to the components.

The dose and duration of treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities is calculated by the doctor according to the severity of the varicose process and history.

Medicines for thinning the blood for varicose veins

cream for varicose veins

Appointment of antiplatelet agents in the form of injections and pills, which improve blood flow and prevents the formation of a thrombus, is the attending physician. The dosage and treatment scheme of patients can only be assigned to an individual.

Such blood thinners varicose veins, such as chimes, trental, pentoxifylline, have serious contraindications and side effects. In their application should be regularly monitored indicators of blood coagulation, which takes place tests.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory substances

These types of medications needed for severe pain extending along the course of the channel of the vessel, when the temperature rises, to reduce swelling and other symptoms of the inflammatory process. They will help to slow down the development of varicose veins in thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, which are dangerous to life.

The dose and duration determined by the only doctor, because these medications have serious contraindications and side effects.

What not to do

When is the diagnosis of varicose veins is necessary with a focus on lifestyle, nutrition and exercise. Not allowed:

  • active exercise, running, jumping (free yoga);
  • prolonged standing or prolonged sitting position;
  • the use of any medication without consulting with your doctor-phlebologist;
  • long years of forced a certain position of the feet. In addition, at high altitude there is a sharp thickening of the blood, which leads to the formation of blood clots;
  • taking a hot bath, sauna;
  • it is strictly forbidden to cupping and honey massage, is permitted only guide for medical massage.

Possible complications

Trophic ulcers cause severe pain, disruption of life, work and sleep because it increases the feeling of weight in the legs and inability to stand for long and move.

  • Trophic ulcers – a form of complication with varicose veins, which expresses itself in the development and deepening of long-term unhealed wounds. Usually on the lower part of the leg, there is a separate painful ulcers inside which often to observe the "moisture" in the form of allocation of serous bloody fluid that covers the diseased tissue.
  • Thrombophlebitis is characterized by acute inflammation of the walls of the affected vessel, with the formation of a thrombotic mass overlying the lumen of blood vessels and disrupt normal blood flow. When walking or standing causes pain, redness and compaction of the tissues along the veins, often fever.
  • Rupture of the vein or node causes severe bleeding requiring urgent medical care.

Urgent appeal for medical help

Immediate access to a doctor, it is necessary for the following symptoms:

  • Increased pain in the affected limb, inability to rise from the bed, or to a few steps;
  • The skin on the foot is hot, swollen and firm to the touch.
  • Skin color varies from pale to bluish or bluish-red;
  • Sudden shortness of breath, trouble breathing, sweating and severe weakness;
  • Bleeding from the affected area of the skin or varicose node.

Needed medicines for varicose veins of the lower extremities, must be present in the scheme of complex treatment. Even after the surgery will require multiple courses of treatment soothing phlebotonic and antiplatelet agentibus means to prevent possible trophic disorders, inflammation and complications on the background of the disease.

A multicomponent preparations against varicosity act in combination, have several functions. The effectiveness of these drugs is more pronounced. For optimum used for the treatment of instance in the right dose, which is calculated phlebologist, in combination with compression therapy, yoga, swimming in the pool, a herbal medicine.